Ayurveda l Study Pharma l

Ayurveda is a traditional herbal medication works in India as well as whole over the world and treat lots of diseases.

Ayurveda word is come from Sanskrit words, Ayur and Veda.
Ayur means "Life" and Veda means "Science or Knowledge".
As the Ayurveda term defined as "Science of life or way of life". It is incorporates science, religion and philosophy in it and deals with maintenance of health and develops therapeutics methods to treat diseases.

Ayurveda is a traditional herbal medication works in India and principle based on the basic five elements and Tridoshas.
According to Ayurveda, whole universe is made up of five basic elements are known as "Pancha Mahabuthas". These all elements are the basis to form all matters in universe.
These elements are:-
1. Akasha (Ether)
2. Vayu (Air)
3. Agni (Fire)
4. Jala (Water)
5. Prithvi (Earth)
These all five elements should be balanced in different proportions depends on the needs or requirements of body to proper maintenance and functioning. Growth and development of body also depends on nutritional food that composed of these basic elements.
1. Akasha (Ether):
Akasha is one of the five basic elements. It is also known as Ether or sometime also called as Sky or Space.
Our body is made up of lots of space for free movement of nutrition as a food, air, blood, metabolic waste.
Located in body cavities are:- 
-Oesophagus or food pipe for food reach to the stomach.
-Intestine for reabsorption of nutrients and elimination of metabolic waste.
-Heart and blood vessels for movement of blood that carries nutrients and transport to various tissues of their functioning.

